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Table 2 Direct and indirect cost of diabetes in Thailand

From: Diabetes management in Thailand: a literature review of the burden, costs, and outcomes


Summary of the main features of the study


Direct and indirect costs


Median and (mean) cost of illness per type of patient per year

Study year: Oct 2007- Sep 2008

[60] same study as [37, 38]

Independent: USD$ 124 (USD$ 598), SD 2152

Reference year for estimate is the fiscal year 2008

Disabled: USD$ 811 (USD$ 2,700), SD 4982

Setting: Waritchaphum Hospital. A 30-bed public district hospital in Sakhon Nakhon province in northeastern Thailand


Sample and study design: 475 randomly selected diabetic patients. Prevalence-based cost of illness, societal perspective


Median and (mean) cost of illness per patient (both disabled and independent) per year: USD 140 (USD$ 881),[82.01-552.50]

Study year: Oct 2007- Sep 2008

[37] same study as [38, 60]

This included 23% of direct medical cost, 40% of direct non-medical cost, and 37% of indirect cost

Reference year for estimate is the fiscal year 2008

Informal care contributed to 28% of total cost of illness

Setting: Waritchaphum Hospital. A 30-bed public district hospital in Sakhon Nakhon province in northeastern Thailand.


Sample and study design: 475 randomly selected diabetic patients. Prevalence-based cost of illness, societal perspective


Direct costs


Average public treatment cost per patient per year was USD 95

Study year: Oct 2007- Sep 2008


Drug cost was the highest cost component (25% of total cost), followed by inpatient cost (24%) and outpatient visit cost (17%).

Reference year for estimate is the fiscal year 2008


Setting: Waritchaphum Hospital. A 30-bed public district hospital in Sakhon Nakhon province in northeastern Thailand.


Sample and study design: 475 randomly selected diabetic patients. Retrospective prevalence-based cost of illness study, provider perspective


Annual average cost of illness (including patients with complications): USD$ 158 (THB 6,331)

Study year: October 2000-September 2001


Contribution to the total cost: 45% pharmacy services, 24% outpatient services, 16% inpatient services, 11% laboratory investigations.

Setting: 30-bed public community hospital in central Thailand

Annual cost for DMT2 and DMT1 patients with no complication USD$ 101 (THB 4,037) and USD$ 251 (THB 10,059) respectively

Sample and study design: 186 diabetes patients. Retrospective prevalence-based cost of illness study, provider perspective


Indirect costs


Median and (mean) cost of informal care per month

Study year: 2008

[38] same study as

Opportunity cost approach: USD 27 (USD$ 37)

Setting: Waritchaphum Hospital. A 30-bed public district hospital in Sakhon Nakhon province in northeastern Thailand.

Proxy good method:

Sample and study design: 190 informal caregivers. Interview with carers, revealed preference method

USD$ 23 (USD 34)


Average time spent on informal care was 112 hours per month

  1. SD: Standard deviation, [] interquartile range.