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Table 3 Implementation of the TTT Programme

From: Cascading training the trainers in ophthalmology across Eastern, Central and Southern Africa


Skills successfully implemented

Skills yet to be implemented

Success = performed by ≥50% of delegates “often” or “always”

write aims and objectives for teaching

use a variety of teaching styles

use interactive techniques in teaching

use 4-step technique for practicals

give feedback after supervision

use 4-step technique for feedback

ensure trainees have educational supervisor

obtain formal evaluation of teaching sessions

give feedback after supervising someone of another profession

Success = performed by ≥50% of delegates at least 4 times in 3 months

deliver a formal teaching session

supervise a trainee or others

give formal feedback / appraisal

formally assess a trainee

appraise a trainee

appraise a consultant colleague or someone from another profession

formally assess a trainee (eg: work place based assessments)

have responsibility for a trainee in difficulty (TiD)

develop other trainers (eg: lectures, planning meetings, formal discussions)

Success = performed by ≥50% of delegates once in 3 months

review and update your personal development plan (PDP)

  1. Skills were considered to have been successfully implemented if they were performed by over half of delegates (n = 20) with an appropriate frequency at the time of the follow up questionnaire