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Table 3 Emerging theory of cross-border health-seeking practices

From: A realist synthesis of cross-border patient movement from low and middle income countries to similar or higher income countries


Anticipated context

Anticipated mechansism

Anticipated outcome

Hypothesis A

Patients perceive a need for healthcare

Mismatch between patient needs (demand), and services (supply) in domestic market

Demand for cross-border healthcare

Hypothesis B

Patients attempt to access cross-border healthcare services due to the mismatch between patient needs (demand), and services (supply) in the domestic market

Patients trust and use social networks and cultural capital to examine and evaluate alternative options

Patient plan to cross border for healthcare

Hypothesis C

Patients plan to cross border for healthcare

Patients mobilise sufficient capital (economic, social, cultural) to cross border for healthcare

Patients with adequate purchasing power (capital), use cross-border healthcare services