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Table 3 Prevention and control of NCDs at different levels of the GHD Pyramid

From: Global Health diplomacy for noncommunicable diseases prevention and control: a systematic review



Tool (Process)



Core Diplomacy

- UN


- the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO)

- the World Bank

- the World Trade Organisation (WTO)

- the Codex Alimentarius Commission

- Independent High-level Commission on NCDs

- Heads of government

- International professional associations

- International Diabetes Federation

- World Heart Federation

- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

- The Caribbean Community (CARICOM)

- Policy brief

- Technical support

- Exchange of experiences at the international level

- Knowledge generation

International legal obligations and laws

- non-binding recommendations and policy advice

- advocacy

- UN High-Level Meeting on Prevention and Control of NCDs

- WHO Global NCD Action Plan

- WHO Global Monitoring Framework for NCDs

- Recognition of NCDs as a major challenge to sustainable development

- Alliances, treaties, and other agreements


- Regional Action Plan for Prevention and Control of NCDs

- Port of Spain Summit Declaration “Uniting to Stop the Epidemic of Chronic NCDs”

- WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health

- Global Code of Practice on the Marketing of Unhealthy Food and Beverages to Children

- Resolutions WHA63.14: Marketing of Foods and Non-alcoholic Beverages to Children

- MPOWER Package

- Best Buys

- 2017 WHO Cancer Resolution

- WHO Mental Health Action Plan

- Montevideo Roadmap 2018–2030 on NCDs as a Sustainable Development Priority

- The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness

- Need for network formation at regional and international levels

- Lack of resources at national and international levels

- Effect of the political will of politicians

- The instrumental use of GHD to achieve other foreign policy and diplomatic goals

- Differences in wealth, incidence and prevalence of NCDs, and method of disease control

Multi-stakeholder diplomacy

- Ministry of Health

- Ministry of Industry

- Ministry of Agriculture

- Ministry of Education

- Ministry of Urban Development

- Ministry of Sports

- Environmental organizations

- Media

- The academia

- Commercial actors

- Civil society organizations and coalition

- Healthcare regulatory agencies

- Nutrition Foundation

- National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention, National Cancer Institute

- Parliamentary Committee for Prevention and Control of NCDs

- National Inter-ministerial Tobacco Control Committee

- Advocacy

- Scientific research

- Health in All Policies

- Clear guidelines to strengthen coordination mechanisms

- Whole-of-government approach

- Publication of a newsletter, shaming, and symbolism

- Media advocacy to influence policy positions of countries during negotiations

- Holding scientific conferences

- National Document on Prevention and Control of NCDs

- Agreements between ministries

- National Plan for Tobacco Control

- Development plans

- Advocacy varies across different governments and ministries (different cultures)

- Programs developed to change systems and cultures (e.g. lifestyle changes) require sustainable medical and political leadership

- A single plan is not responsive for all countries and different contexts

- Significant difference between low-income countries and the global context

- Political obstacles, including sanctions

- Geographical location, communication, and health infrastructure

- Language barriers and the need to translate tools to native languages

- Health-related socioeconomic factors are not limited to the public health sector alone and exist in other sectors of the health system, highlighting the need for multi-sectoral action

- Poverty and social factors affecting health

- Implementing changes for cancer control that are tailored to a specific context, society, and culture

- NCDs threaten economic and human development

Informal Diplomacy

- NCD Alliance

- Research centers and academic associations

- The medical community

- The private sector

- Patients and their families

- International donors

- NGOs

- Health advocacy groups, NGOs, and humanitarian organizations

- National Cancer Institute

- Media

- Campaigns against alcohol and tobacco use

- National Campaign for Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation

- Specific activities such as games for the elderly

- World No Tobacco Day

- NCD Advocacy Document

- Understanding the historical context of negotiations

- Any country is several markets rather than one, with a wide variety of marketing types