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Table 1 Overview of the inclusion and criteria

From: A systematic review of pooled procurement of medicines and vaccines: identifying elements of success

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Peer-reviewed publications on pooled procurement of medicines or vaccines

Non-peer-reviewed publications or publications of pooled procurement around other type of products or taking place in other sectors

Publications that focus on primary data collection, or on the analysis of existing datasets

Editorials, perspectives, literature studies, commentaries and opinions

Publications that focus on existing or failed pooled procurement mechanisms

Pooled procurement simulations or modelling studies

Publications that focus on pooled procurement mechanisms operating on a sub-national level or higher

Micro-level pooling of < 10 health facilities or hospitals. Our focus is mainly in understanding the functioning of pooled procurement mechanisms that aim to increase access, affordability and quality benefitting a larger population than the particular micro-level pool of health facilities and the target population it serves

Publications that are published in English

Publications in other languages

Full text availability of the publication

Full text unavailability of the publication